《中英對照讀新聞 》U.S tourists vandalized Rome’s Colosseum, took selfie 美國觀光客破壞羅馬競技場並自拍
Two female tourists from California have been cited by police in Rome for carving their initials into a wall at the city’s ancient Colosseum and then taking a selfie to record the vandalism.
Italian state news agency ANSA reported that the two women, ages 21 and 25, used a coin to damage a second-floor brick wall on the western side of the amphitheater, which dates to the first century A.D.
A tour guide spotted the vandalism and called police, who questioned the pair before citing them for "aggravated damage to a building of historic or artistic interest," ANSA said.
The news agency quoted police as saying the pair told officers they were sorry for what they did, "and said they didn’t realize it was such a serious thing."
The women were not identified in the reports, and it was not immediately clear whether they would have to pay a fine.
The Colosseum, which once hosted tens of thousands of spectators at gladiatorial contests, is a key part of the historic center of Rome, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (Reuters)
vandalize:動詞,指肆意破壞公共財物,尤指文化藝術品。例句:The bus shelter was vandalized by a gang of youths.(那個公車候車亭被一幫青少年大肆破壞。)
spot:名詞,指地點、斑點、污漬;動詞,指點綴、玷污、認出、偵察敵方目標;形容詞,指立即的、現場報導的。例句:He failed to spot the error in time.(他未能及時發現該錯誤。)
aggravate:動詞,指加重、激怒、使惡化。例句:His bad attitude aggravated me.(他的惡劣態度激怒了我。)
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