《中英對照讀新聞》Driver near Seattle blames owl-watching for car crash西雅圖近郊出車禍 司機怪罪於賞貓頭鷹
A man who crashed his car into a utility pole near Seattle on Wednesday gave police a unique excuse for the pre-dawn accident: He was owl watching.
Police in Tukwila, about 10 miles south of Seattle, said the driver told officers he rammed into the pole by accident because he was in hot pursuit of one of the nocturnal birds.
Nobody was injured in the early morning crash on a residential street, the police report said. The driver, who was not identified, was not arrested and did not appear to be impaired by drugs or alcohol, police said. (Reuters)
in hot pursuit of:介係詞片語,指緊緊追趕、熱切追求。例句:The police are in hot pursuit of the suspect.(警方正強力追緝該名嫌犯。)
nocturnal:形容詞,指夜間的、夜行性的。例句:Stars in the sky are a marvelous nocturnal sight.(滿天星斗是美妙的夜間景觀。)
impair:動詞,指損害、削弱、減少。例句:Poor food will impair your health.(粗劣的食物會損害你的健康。)
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