《中英對照讀新聞》George Osborne’s £7bn tax cuts plan is a ’total fantasy’, warns Vince Cable 凱博警告:歐斯本的70億英鎊減稅計畫是「十足的幻想」
The business secretary, Vince Cable, has torn into the Conservatives for promising £7bn of new tax cuts at a time of renewed uncertainty about the global economy, saying it was "total fantasy" to think they could be delivered without raising other taxes or making massive extra cuts to public services.
Cable told the Observer that officials inside the Treasury were increasingly concerned that the pledges made by the chancellor, George Osborne, and David Cameron at the Tory conference in October were not affordable and could put the government’s reputation for fiscal credibility at risk.
"When you look at the numbers, tax cuts on any significant scale are simply not deliverable unless you make horrific cuts to key public services such as the police and defence," Cable said.
"Technically, of course, you can always make tax cuts, but if you are to avoid hitting services you would have to put up other taxes or cut services massively. It is total fantasy to suggest otherwise."
Cable said that while the Liberal Democrats, who have championed the policy of raising the tax-free threshold, remained wedded to it to help low earners, further rises could only be made when they were affordable.
tear into someone:動詞,強烈批評某人。例句:My boss tore into me just because he didn’t agree with me.(我的主管只因和我意見不同就痛批我。)
deliver:動詞,實現、達成(承諾、期望)。例句:He failed to deliver on his promises.(他未能兌現他的承諾。)
wedded to:形容詞,執著的、堅信的、支持的(對想法、理念等)。例句:Josh is still wedded to the Democratic Party.(喬許還是很支持民主黨。)
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