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《中英對照讀新聞》Vietnamese newspapers fined for running phone sex ads 越南報紙因刊登色情電話廣告被罰

2006/07/14 06:00


Two Vietnamese newspapers have been fined for running phone sex advertisements that violate the country's traditional cultural values, an official said.


The Vietnam Sports newspaper was fined 12 million dong for "running sex advertisements with contents that violate traditional habits and customs," said its editor.


The ads for mobile phone message services used "rude wording" to stir up sexual temptation, he said.


More than 10 other newspapers have carried similar ads and are under investigation by the Ministry of Culture and Information, he said.


"It's a lesson for us," he said. "I have asked my staff not to run this kind of ads in the future." Ho Chi Minh City Law newspaper was also fined 10 million dong, and last month, two other newspapers, Sports Today and Soccer, were suspended and fined for carrying the same ads, he said.



run:動詞,有多種含意,此處做「刊登」解。例句:The newspaper ran the story on page one.(這家報紙在頭版刊登這則新聞。)

violate:動詞,指違反、褻瀆。例句:The taxi driver often violated the traffic regulations.(這名計程車司機時常違反交通規則。)

rude:形容詞,粗鄙的、低級的。例句:John likes to tell rude jokes.(約翰喜歡講低級笑話。)

stir up:片語,激起、煽動。例句:The corruption scandal stirred up great public concern.(這起貪污醜聞激起公眾的極大關注。)

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