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《中英對照讀新聞》Piranha fish at a British aquatic centre put on a diet 英國水族館的食人魚強制減肥

2006/05/30 06:00


A shoal of piranha fish on show at a British aquatic centre have had to be put on a diet after piling on the pounds in captivity, officials said.


Regular mealtimes mean the razor-toothed predators have become a bit podgy in the last month so they are now only being fed half-portions in a bid to shift the excess, Lynsey Thompson, from Birmingham、s Sea Life Centre said.


Piranha, which are normally found in the River Amazon in South America, are capable of stripping a whole dead pig to the bone within minutes and can literally eat themselves to death, she explained.


"Each mealtime has turned into a frantic feeding frenzy as they fight for meaty chunks of trout, prawns and mussels," she added. "In the wild, species of piranha can go for days without any food. Here, all food is soaked in vitamins to make sure that the red bellied savages are getting the nutrients they need and we will monitor their size over the next few weeks to make sure they slim down to a healthier size."



on show:公開展出。The photographs are on show at the museum until October. 照片在博物館展出到十月。

pile on:堆積。pile on the agony 過分渲染悲傷。

bid to/for:企圖、努力。He made a bid to restore order.他致力恢復秩序。

soak in:浸泡、滲入,或指專心、埋首於。He soaked himself in music. 他埋首於音樂。

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