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《中英對照讀新聞》Squalid politics plumbs new depths Down Under 澳洲骯髒政治再探新低

2013/07/14 06:00


Mud-slinging is nothing new in politics, but a no-holds-barred election campaign in Australia has sunk standards to depths seldom seen before.


After a week of headlines filled with sexual innuendo and squalid attacks, The Australian Financial Review harrumphed:"We deserve better than this."


Voters are used to colourful language Down Under, where a high tolerance for intolerance abounds. Now Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s unflinching determination to go down fighting against Tony Abbott’s cocky conservatives has the chattering classes howling at the dire level of discourse.


Some had hoped that the arrival of Australia’s first female leader would help to drain the swamp of debate, political analysts noted. Fat chance, judging by recent events.


"It’s always possible for Australian political debate to get even sillier. But these are surely new lows in stupidity," said Review columnist Jennifer Hewett. (AFP)



mud-slinging:不可數名詞,非正式用法,指惡意公開攻擊、抹黑某人或揭其瘡疤以破壞其名聲,如Politicians nowadays seem to rely on mud-slinging instead of argument.(現在的政客似乎全靠政治抹黑而非政治主張來立足。)

harrumph:動詞,原指大聲清喉嚨,非正式用法亦指發出哼聲、表示不同意某事,如They stood around harrumphing about the current state of politics.(他們轉來轉去,對政治現況表達不滿。)

the chattering classes:名詞,英國用語,帶有負面意味,指受過良好教育、喜歡對政治、文化與社會等議題高談闊論的自由派中產階級,如the politically correct voice of the chattering classes(自由派中產階級的政治正確聲浪)。

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