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《中英對照讀新聞》Speed-Eating Champ Downs 68 Dogs In Contest 快食冠軍王在比賽中吞掉68個熱狗

2012/07/13 06:00


Joey Chestnut has gorged his way to his sixth win in a row at the Fourth of July hot dog eating contest--downing 68 dogs in 10 minutes.


Last year, the 28-year-old Californian speed-eater, whose nickname is "Jaws", won the contest on Coney Island in New York by eating 62 hot dogs.


This time round he beat his main rival by 16 dogs, taking home the $10,000 prize as well as the mustard yellow winner’s belt.


Chestnut was neck-and-neck with his rival competitors during the first half of the contest but he pulled ahead in the remaining minutes, choking down dog after dog as the others slowed down.


Chestnut is now tied with his former rival, Takeru Kobayashi, aka the "Tsunami", for consecutive wins.


The Japanese champion held the record for hot dog eating from 2001 to 2007, when he was unseated by Chestnut.


But two years ago, after refusing to sign an exclusive contract with Major League Eating, he was banned from taking part in the competition.



in a row:片語:成排,接連。row,名詞,行列,排。例句:We visited the temple for the third day in a row.(我們連續第三天造訪那座廟。)

neck-and-neck:慣用語,形容(特別是在競賽中)彼此不相上下,勢均力敵。例句:Recent polls show the Republican candidate running almost neck-and-neck with the Democratic candidate.(近日多項民調顯示,那名共和黨候選人與那名民主黨候選人幾乎勢均力敵。)


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