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《中英對照讀新聞》Lady Gaga angers Thai fans with fake Rolex comment 女神卡卡的假勞力士錶評論惹毛泰國粉絲

2012/06/01 06:00


Lady Gaga wants to go shopping in Bangkok--for a fake Rolex.


The singer made the comment to her 24 million Twitter followers, sparking an online uproar Thursday in Thailand where some fans called it offensive, insulting and bad for the country’s image.


"We are more civilized than you think," tweeted Thai DJ Surahit Siamwalla, who has a ticket to Friday’s show in Bangkok but said he plans to boycott.


"She came to our home, but instead of admiring us she insulted us," said a commentator on popular Thai web board pantip.com.


Lady Gaga posted her tweet shortly after her private jet arrived Wednesday night:"I just landed in Bangkok baby! Ready for 50,000 screaming Thai monsters. I wanna get lost in a lady market and buy fake Rolex."


It is unclear what a "lady market" is but some Thai fans assumed she meant the popular outdoor Ladies Market in Hong Kong, where she already toured--and also eyed the luxury knockoffs.(AP)



anger:動詞,使發怒;名詞,怒氣。例句:That news really angered him.(那件消息真的讓他很火大。)

instead of:片語,代替,與其。例句:She ordered fish instead of beef.(她點了魚而非牛肉。)

get lost:片語,迷路。例句:I always get lost on my first day in a new city.(我總是會在到新城市的第一天就迷路。)

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