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《中英對照讀新聞》That’s cheeky... Iranian players suspended over ’immorality’ 這很不要臉…伊朗球員因「不道德行為」被禁賽

2011/11/21 06:00


Two Iranian footballers have felt the pinch of the country’s national federation for "immoral" on-field behaviour which included one player pinching the other’s bottom, Iranian state television revealed.


Defender Mohammad Nosrati was suspended after YouTube pictures of a live televised match showed him pinching the bottom of Persepolis teammate Sheys Rezaei during a goal celebration against rivals Damash Gilan.


In another televised segment of the match shows Rezaei patting another teammate.


Although both Nosrati and Rezaei insisted the gesture was made in jest, the Iranian football federation FFI’s disciplinary committee suspended the two for their ’immorality.’


Both players have also been suspended by Persepolis, and have been ordered to pay fines of 500 million rials each.



cheeky:形容詞,指行為或言語不尊重他人或無禮,更嚴重者,有厚顏無恥之意。例句:His cheeky remarks really pissed me off.(他那些厚臉皮的言論真讓我火冒三丈。)

feel the pinch of:片語,經濟拮据,感受到壓力。例句:The global financial crisis makes many people feel the pinch.(這次全球金融危機使許多人感到日子難過。)

in jest:副詞,開玩笑地。jest,名詞,戲謔、玩笑。例句:Take it easy! I just said that in jest.(別生氣!我只是說著玩的。)

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