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《中英對照讀新聞》A new home at last for the blind Great Dane and her devoted guide dog 盲大丹犬與她忠實的導盲犬終於有新家

2011/11/16 06:00


It’s the happy ending that Lily the blind great dane and her close friend turned guide dog Maddison deserve.


When the Daily Mail featured the heart-warming tale of the two great danes, who were looking for a new home, more than 2,000 dog lovers responded by offering to take them.


Now Lily and Maddison are moving from the Dogs Trust centre in Shrewsbury to live with the Williams family 35 miles away in Crewe, Cheshire.


Lily, six, was barely a puppy when she was struck down by a condition that caused her eyelashes to grow into her eyeballs, damaging them beyond repair.


Thankfully her friend Maddison, seven, became her new eyes and led her everywhere. The two have become inseparable and Lily follows Maddison, almost touching her as they walk so she knows where to go. But in July their owner could no longer cope with them and they were sent to the re-homing centre.


Anne Williams, 52, and her husband Len, 53 fell in love with the dogs when they read about them in the Mail and their offer was accepted by the trust. Louise Campbell, manager of the Dogs Trust in Shrewsbury, said: ’The Williams family were the perfect match and we know they’ll give the dogs all the love.’



heart-warming︰形容詞,感人的、激勵人心的。例如︰a heart-warming success story.(一個感人的成功故事。)

strike down︰片語,擊倒、(疾病的)侵襲。例句︰ He was then struck down by pneumonia.(他那時染患肺癌而病倒。)

beyond repair︰片語,無法修理、無法恢復、無法補救。例句︰The failure hurt his pride almost beyond repair.(這次的失敗幾乎把他的自尊心傷得蕩然無存。)

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