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《中英對照讀新聞》Briton jailed for 4 months for wasting police time 英人浪費警察時間 坐4個月牢

2005/12/20 06:00

◎ 張其賢

A man who claimed he had been recruited to be a suicide bomber in London recently pleaded guilty to wasting police time, and was sentenced to four months in prison.


Imran Yaqub Patel, 27, admitted that he had lied to a reporter for News of the World, Britain's largest-selling Sunday newspaper. Prosecutors said police wasted 4,700 hours at a cost estimated by police at 60,000 pounds investigating the claim.


Patel was arrested at his home in Dewsbury, which was the home of Mohammed Sidique Khan, one of the four suicide bombers who killed 52 underground and bus passengers in London on July 7.


"The offense, by your own admission, was one born purely out of greed, but nevertheless having enormous consequences," District Judge David Kitson said.


Kitson added that the offense "came three months after one of the worst atrocities committed on the Britain mainland and led to survivors and relatives of those that were killed having to relive experiences." As he was led away from the court, Patel simled at his wife, who was crying in the public gallery.



recruit:動詞, 吸收新血(組織);招募新人(軍隊);招生(大學)。

suicide bomber:名詞,自殺炸彈客。

public gallery: 名詞, 法庭或議會的旁聽席。gallery最常見的意思是「藝廊」或「美術館」,如倫敦兩大最知名美術館就是National Gallery(國家美術館) 和Tate Gallery(泰特美術館)。但它也可指「劇院頂層觀眾席」、「狹長的空間或走道」。shooting gallery就是「室內靶場」。

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