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《中英對照讀新聞》Love songs improve men’s dating chances﹙情歌增進男人約會機會﹚

2010/10/09 06:00


A team of French researchers has found that women who listen to music with romantic lyrics are more likely to agree to date a man who asks them out.


The study, published this month in the journal Psychology of Music, involved 87 undergraduate female students who told researchers they were single.


The women sat alone in a waiting room while one of two French songs played - one which had romantic lyrics, the other which had neutral lyrics.


After three minutes of listening to the music, each woman was invited to sit with a 20-year-old man, who other young women had judged as having "average" physical attractiveness.


The pair then compared two varieties of biscuit. Following the discussion, the man asked the woman for her phone number and invited her out for a drink.


Of the women who had been listening to romantic lyrics, 52.2 per cent provided the man with their phone number. But only 27.9 per cent of women who had been listening to the neutral lyrics agreed to his request.


The psychologists say other studies have shown background music can affect pro-social and consumer behavior, but their study is the first to link it to "more intimate affects".



undergraduate:形容詞,大學(或肄業)。也可當名詞,指在學大學生、 大學肄業生(以別於graduate研究生)。例句:She read history as an undergraduate.(她在大學攻讀歷史。)


intimate:形容詞,密切、親切。例句:He has an intimate knowledge of American literature.(他精通美國文學。)

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