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《中英對照讀新聞》Israeli Diplomats Protests Wages with Jeans and Sandals 以色列外交官用牛仔褲、拖鞋抗議薪水

2010/07/12 06:00


Israeli diplomats have started wearing jeans and sandals to work as part of their effort to demand wages on par with their defense and intelligence peers, and caused a series of diplomatic faux pas, a foreign ministry official said on Jun. 29.


The labour dispute has compounded Israel’s diplomatic woes at a time when it is struggling to contain the backlash from a deadly raid on a Gaza-bound aid fleet last month.


"For several days now foreign ministry employees have come to work in jeans and sandals, without wearing ties, to protest their treatment," the official said on condition of anonymity.


"They are following orders from the employees’ committee, which has accused the treasury of dragging its feet in six months of salary negotiations."


The dispute has also seen employees shirk routine duties, with deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon had to welcome visiting Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov without a customary ceremony because no one bothered to organise one.



faux pas:名詞,失禮、失態(法文)。例句:The Congressman’s behavior during the luncheon is a serious faux pas. (這名國會議員在午宴中的舉止嚴重失禮。)

drag one’s feet: 動詞片語,刻意拖延。例句:The boy was punished for dragging his feet in writing his homework.(這個男孩因為寫功課拖拖拉拉而被處罰。)

shirk:動詞,規避、推卸(責任或職責)。例句:He totally shirked his responsibility and avoided contacting us.(他把責任推得一乾二淨,還避不見面。)

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