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《中英對照讀新聞》IBM Debuts Smart Analytics Cloud Computing Service IBM推出「智能分析」雲端運算服務

2009/12/05 06:00

◎ 陳成良

IBM, the world’s largest provider of computer services, has announced the launch of a new cloud computing service, on Monday, in a bid to compete with companies like Amazon.com Inc, Google Inc and Microsoft Corp.


The cloud computing service, called ’Smart Analytics Cloud’, will be IBM’s biggest cloud computing service that it has launched till date. IBM said that this cloud service would be the first one that it would adopt internally.


Cloud computing is an internet based service which allows the users, mainly companies, to run software and store data in remote large-scale data centers.


This way, the users can save on hardware, human resources, space and electricity and they also retain options for rapid scalability if such a need arises.


A study by Gartner Research estimates the sales in cloud computing sphere to be $3.4 billion this year alone and the move by IBM is seen by many as an attempt to increase its presence in this domain and bolster its bouquet of offerings.



in a bid to:指企圖、努力爭取…。例句:The two sides have been locked in discussion in a bid to find a compromise.(雙方持續談判,希望找到妥協之道。)


till date:片語,至今;到目前為止。例句:Till date, there is still no breakthrough.(到目前為止仍未有突破。)

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