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《中英對照讀新聞》"Mermaid girl" Shiloh Pepin dies at age 10 「美人魚女孩」希蘿.佩平辭世,得年10歲

2009/10/28 06:00


Shiloh Pepin, the little girl born with fused legs, has died at the age of 10.


Doctors thought Shiloh would only live for days after her birth, but her mother called her a "tough little thing."


Shiloh was born with "mermaid syndrome," also known as sirenomelia, and she only had one partially working kidney, no lower colon or genital organs and her legs were fused from the waist down.


Some children with sirenomelia are able to have surgery to separate their legs, but Shiloh was unable to due to the blood vessels crossing from side to side in her circulatory system that would have been severed. She had received two kidney transplants, the last one was in 2007.


Her story was recently shown on "The Oprah Winfrey Show". Her mother said she came down with a cold earlier this month that quickly turned to pneumonia. Shiloh Pepin died at Maine Medical Center.



fuse︰動詞,融合,熔接。例句︰In her richest work she fuses comedy and tragedy.(在她最精彩的作品中,她融喜、悲劇為一體。)fuse 作名詞為引信,保險絲。have a short fuse指動輒發怒。

from side to side︰從左到右。例句︰The ship was rolling from side to side in the stormy sea.(船在暴風雨的海面上顛簸搖晃。)

come down with︰片語,染上(病)。例句︰Several students came down with the H1N1 flu.(一些學生感染H1N1流感。)

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