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《中英對照讀新聞》NYC man spends $7,500 to fight $115 parking ticket 紐約市男子花7500美元打115美元的停車罰單官司

2009/01/09 06:00


A retired New York City man says he’s spent $7,500 fighting a $115 parking ticket because he’s got "nothing else to do."


Former electrical hardware firm vice president Simon Belsky says he was erroneously ticketed two years ago. The 63-year-old says the ticket cites his van for blocking a Brooklyn fire hydrant even though the only hydrant on the street was down the block.


The November 2006 fine has ballooned from $115 to about $200 with penalties.


Belsky was in court recently and is due back Feb. 2. He says if he wins he’ll file a civil suit against the city to recover the $7,500 he’s spent on legal work. He says if any compensation is awarded he’ll donate it to educational programs.



fight:動詞,奮鬥;爭吵。相關俚語,an uphill battle/fight/struggle,苦戰。uphill,形容詞,上坡的,艱困的。


balloon:名詞,氣球;漫畫人物對白框;氣球狀物。動詞,搭乘熱氣球;激增。相關片語,go down like a lead balloon,無法讓人感興趣、激起熱情或支持。倘若你說的話或所做的事情有如鉛氣球般墜落,表示對方不喜歡你的話或所做的事。例句:This kind of jokes always go down like a lead balloon.(這種笑話通常冷到沒人笑得出來。)

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