中英對照讀新聞》Nobel Prize winner Han Kang’s books fly off the shelves in South Korea諾貝爾獎得主韓江作品在南韓書架上掃購一空
South Koreans flocked to book stores on Friday and crashed websites in a frenzy to snap up copies of the work of novelist Han Kang in her home country, after her unexpected win of the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature.
The country’s largest bookstore chain, Kyobo Book Centre, said sales of her books had rocketed on Friday, with stocks almost immediately selling out and set to be in short supply for the near future.
Soon after Thursday’s announcement, some bookstore websites could not be accessed due to heavy traffic. Out of the current 10 best sellers at Kyobo, nine were Han’s books on Friday morning, according to its website.
As of 13 Oct., at least 1.06 million copies, including e-books, had been sold since last Thursday’s Nobel announcement, with bookshops telling AFP her sales were "unprecedented" and had dramatically boosted sales of South Korean literature as a whole.
flock:動詞,聚集、蜂擁。例句:Tens of thousands of fans flocked to stadium to see Taylor Swift’s concert.(數萬名粉絲湧入體育場觀賞泰勒絲的演唱會)
frenzy:名詞,瘋狂、狂熱。例句:The World Cup always works people around the world up into a frenzy.(世界盃足球賽總是讓全世界的人們為之瘋狂)
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