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中英對照讀新聞》Netflix’s ’3 Body Problem’ leaves jaws dropped among Chinese viewers網飛「三體」讓中國觀眾瞠目結舌

2024/03/31 05:30



The Netflix series "3 Body Problem" is an adaptation of the first novel in a trilogy by Chinese author Liu Cixin, and made for the screen by the creators of "Games of Thrones".


The Netflix version, like the English translation of the novel, starts with violent scenes from China’s Cultural Revolution in the 1960s, events that set in motion a plot that includes an impending alien invasion.


"Jaw dropping" moments for Chinese viewers included an opening scene where a prominent scientist is beaten to death by paramilitary Red Guards, a depiction of recent history that remains controversial in China.


"The first scene made my jaw drop. Even though I had anticipated this, the scene still startled me," said one Weibo user.



prominent:形容詞,重要的、著名的。例句:This speech made him prominent in the party.(這場演說讓他在黨內佔有一席之地)

startle:動詞,使震驚、使驚訝。例句:On 22 November 1963, JFK’s assassination startled the American people.(1963年11月22日的甘迺迪遇刺案震驚全美國人)

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