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中英對照讀新聞》Britney Spears shoots down album rumors 「小甜甜」布蘭妮駁斥專輯謠言

2024/03/29 05:30



Britney Spears is shooting down rumors of a new album, vowing to “never return to the music industry.”


At the same time, Spears noted in Wednesday’s Instagram post, she’s still writing music — just for other people.


“When I write, I write for fun or I write for other people !!!” she wrote. “I’ve written over 20 songs for other people the past two years !!! I’m a ghostwriter and I honestly enjoy it that way !!!”


The Instagram caption, in which she blasted those who “keep saying I’m turning to random people to do a new album,” was paired with a photo of a Guido Reni painting of Salome holding the head of John the Baptist.



shoot down:片語,擊落;(口語)駁倒,堅決反對,否決。例句:All four proposals were shot down by the committee leader.(4份企劃案全都被委員會領袖打回票。)

ghostwriter:名詞,代筆人,捉刀。例句:I was told that his now-famous acceptance speech for the presidential nomination was written by a ghostwriter.(我聽說,他那場接受被提名成為總統候選人的知名演說,稿子是找人捉刀寫的。)


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