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中英對照讀新聞》A horse loose on a flight to Belgium forces a cargo jet back to New York一匹馬在飛往比利時的航班上失控 迫使一架貨機返回紐約

2023/11/18 05:30



A cargo jet headed to Belgium from New York had to turn around mid-flight after a horse escaped its stall and got loose in the hold.


The Boeing 747 operated by Air Atlanta Icelandic had just started its flight across the Atlantic Ocean on Nov. 9 when the pilot radioed air traffic control in Boston and said that a horse on board had escaped its stall.


“We don’t have a problem as of flying-wise but we need to return,return back to New York. We cannot get the horse back secured,” the pilot said on air traffic control recordings made by the site LiveATC.net and compiled by the site You Can See ATC.

在LiveATC.net網站錄製並由You Can See ATC網站彙整的航空交通管制錄音中,機長說「我們在飛行方面沒問題;但我們需要折返,返回紐約。我們無法把馬關回來,」

The controller cleared the aircraft to return to John F. Kennedy International Airport. (AP)



loose:形容詞,指鬆動的、肥大的、未嚴加控制的、不嚴謹的,不道德的;動詞,指敞開了說、自由表達。That coach loosed an angry tirade against his team.(那名教練滔滔不絕怒斥自己的隊伍。)

secure:形容詞,指牢固的、安全的、無危險的;動詞,指繫牢、關緊、變得安全。例句:I secured all the windows before I left.(我離開之前關緊了所有窗戶。)

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