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中英對照讀新聞》Greek army destroys World War II bomb found during excavation for luxury development near Athens 希臘陸軍銷毀雅典附近豪宅開發案挖掘過程中發現的二戰炸彈

2023/11/07 05:30

希臘陸軍專家週四摧毀1枚未爆炸的二戰炸彈,該炸彈是在雅典南部沿海地區的大型城市開發案中發現的。(取自Keep Talking Greece網站)


Greek army specialists Thursday destroyed an unexploded World War II bomb discovered during work on a massive urban development project at a coastal area south of Athens.


Authorities said the 500-pound bomb was destroyed without a detonation after traffic in the area was halted for more than two hours and several nearby apartment blocks had been evacuated as a precaution.


The urban development project will include a park, shopping malls, hotels, a casino and multiple leisure facilities near the seaside Glyfada area, south of the capital. Work got underway last year and is due to be completed in 2026.


“Everything went well, and we thank all the agencies involved: the specialized army unit, the fire department and the traffic police. As the excavations progress, more unexploded ordnance may be discovered, ” Glyfada Mayor Giorgos Papanikolaou told reporters near the site.



detonation:名詞,引爆。例句:Underground nuclear detonations are believed to have been carried out.(據信已經進行地下核子引爆。)

precaution:名詞,預防(措施)。例句:Many people have been stockpiling food as a precaution against shortages.(為了預防食物短缺,很多人一直在儲備食品。)

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