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中英對照讀新聞》Belgian town organises seagull imitation championship 比利時小鎮舉辦海鷗模仿錦標賽

2023/08/17 05:30

外電圖4671-194600-Photo(2023/4/9) 比利時小鎮舉辦海鷗叫聲模仿大賽,藉此改善海鷗形象。示意圖。(法新社檔案照)


The Belgian coastal town of De Panne organised the third European seagull screeching championship, where a jury crowned the best imitation of the bird’s distinctive shriek.


Around 50 participants took part in the contest including first-timers and returning participants. Each was judged by a professional jury which awarded 15 points for how well they imitated the seagull’s sound and five points for their behaviour.


Participating for the first time, Yarmo, a 21-year old architecture student from Eindhoven, in the Netherlands, won the crown for the best seagull sound.


"We thought why not get more sympathy for those seagulls because they are part of the coast, there is no coast without seagulls," Jan Seys, president of the jury and head of communications of the Flanders Marine Institute, told Reuters.



screech:動詞或名詞,尖叫、發出刺耳聲。例句:"Don’t ever piss me off!" She screeched.(「少惹我生氣!」她尖聲叫道。)

shriek:動詞或名詞,尖叫。例句:She let out shrieks of delight.(她發出興奮的尖叫。)

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