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中英對照讀新聞》Japan’s travel curbs choke off chance for tourism recovery on weak yen日本的旅行限制扼殺旅遊業靠日圓疲軟的復甦機會

2022/09/16 05:30



Japan further relaxed its infection border controls on Wednesday, but its insistence on visitor visas means the yen’s plunge won’t translate to a tourism boom any time soon.


The government raised the daily ceiling of inbound travelers to 50,000 from 20,000 and scrapped a requirement for visitors as well as returning residents to undergo pre-departure COVID-19 tests, easing what have been the most restrictive border measures among major economies.


Travel bookings have increased since the easing was announced last month, but a true recovery will be delayed as long as visitors are still required to get visas to enter the country, said Japan Airlines Co. executive Koji Masumura.



curb:動詞/名詞,控制;限制,約束;抑制。例句:The mayor announced steps taken to curb crimes in the city. (市長宣布為遏止該市犯罪所採取的步驟。)

choke off:片語,中止,避免,扼殺。例句:High prices have choked off demand.(高價格扼殺需求。)


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