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《中英對照讀新聞》Give us a grandchild or $650,000, say Indian couple suing son印度夫婦告兒:讓我們抱孫 否則賠65萬美元

2022/09/01 05:30



Sanjeev and Sadhana Prasad are taking their son to court demanding that he and his wife either produce a grandchild within a year or cough up almost $650,000.


The Indian couple say that they exhausted their savings raising and educating their pilot son and paying for a lavish wedding. Now they want payback.


The compensation they are demanding – 50m rupees ($646,000) – includes the cost of a wedding reception in a five-star hotel, a luxury car worth $80,000 and paying for the couple’s honeymoon abroad.



cough up:動詞片語,勉強提供某物。例句:To not see the advertisements, he coughs up the monthly subscription fee.(為了不看到廣告,他只好支付月訂閱費。)

exhaust:動詞,耗盡。例句:Enough! He had exhausted my patience.(夠了!我對他已失去耐性。)

lavish:形容詞,豪奢的。例句:She would not miss any lavish banquets.(她不會錯過任何豪華宴會。)

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