中英對照讀新聞》Donald Trump told his supporters he got a coronavirus booster shot. They booed him 唐納‧川普告訴支持者他已接種武肺疫苗加強針,結果被噓
Former president Donald Trump was booed by his own supporters after he told them he’d gotten a coronavirus vaccine booster.
Trump was in Dallas with conservative pundit Bill O’Reilly for the final stop of their two-man live interview show, "The History Tour," when Trump started taking credit for his administration developing vaccines that have "saved tens of millions of lives worldwide."
He told the crowd to be proud of the coronavirus vaccines and said that bad-mouthing their effectiveness is "playing right into their hands," an apparent reference to their shared political enemies.
At one point, O’Reilly stepped in: "Both the president and I are vaxxed and," he said, turning to Trump, "did you get the booster?"
"Yes," Trump replied.
take (the) credit for something:慣用語,居功:邀功/搶功。例句:He took credit for my work.(他搶我的功勞。)
be proud of:片語,以...為榮;為…感到自豪。
play into someone’s hands:慣用語,所做的事情正好稱了某人的心意;正中某人下懷。例句:If you fly into a rage when she criticizes you, you will be playing right into her hands.(你若是在她批評你時勃然大怒,就正中她的下懷。)
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