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中英對照讀新聞》Alleged CIA ’black site’ in Lithuania put up for sale 被指為中情局在立陶宛的「黑獄」要出售

2022/02/16 05:30



A two-storey complex in a forested suburb of Vilnius that human rights organisations say was a CIA "black site" used for torture during the so-called war on terror is being put up for sale.


Lithuanian officials have denied the site’s use by the CIA but it matches the description of a facility codenamed "Violet" mentioned in a US senate investigation. A Lithuanian parliament investigation also described a similar facility.


The gated property in the suburb of Antaviliai operated until March 2004 as a riding academy and cafe owned by a local family.


The family then sold the property to Elite, a now-defunct company registered in Delaware, Panama and Washington DC.


US media reports said it was a front company for the CIA. (AFP)



forested:形容詞,林木叢生的。例句:We live in a forested valley.(我們住在一處林木蔥鬱的山谷。)

put sth.up for sale:片語,開始出售某物。例句:We will put our house up for sale soon.(我們很快就會把房子交付出售。)

front:名詞,偽裝。例句:Her smile is just a front.(她的微笑只是做做樣子。)

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