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中英對照讀新聞》Arizona Man Is Accused of Faking Own Kidnapping to Evade Work 亞利桑那州男子被控為蹺班假裝被綁架

2021/08/20 05:30



The authorities in Arizona accused a man of going to extreme lengths to get out of work this month, saying he faked his own kidnapping, bound his own wrists, gagged himself and invented a story of treasure hidden in the desert.


The man, Brandon Soules, was arrested last week on a charge of false reporting to law enforcement, the police in Coolidge, Ariz., said in a statement that outlined a scheme they believe was intended to get Mr. Soules excused from his job at a tire store.


In the statement, the police said that Mr. Soules, 19, admitted during an interview with detectives that he had made up the kidnapping story, which led to his arrest.



get out of something:慣用語,(找藉口)逃避、擺脫、規避。例句:She reported in sick to get out of attending the meeting.(她請病假以規避出席會議。)

excuse oneself from something:片語,得以不去做/免除某事;藉故推託,婉言拒絕。例句:Never try to excuse yourself from the responsibility of your actions.(絕對不要推卸你應為自己的行為所承擔的責任。)

make up:片語,和解、組成、發明、杜撰、化妝。

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