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《中英對照讀新聞》One in five young adults is neither working nor studying in US 美國5名年輕成人就有1人沒在工作,也沒就學

2021/08/04 05:30



Almost one in five young adults in the U.S. was neither working nor studying in the first quarter as Black and Hispanic youth remain idle at disproportionate rates.


In the first three months of the year, about 3.8 million Americans age 20 to 24 were not in employment, education or training, known as the NEET rate, the Center for Economic Policy and Research said in a report. That’s up by 740,000, or 24%, from a year earlier.


Inactive youth is a worrying sign for the future of the economy. Further, high NEET rates may foster environments that are fertile for social unrest.



idle:形容詞,閒置的,失業的,無所事事的。例句:The production lines stand idle.(這些生產線閒置。)

NEET:"not in education, employment, or training"的縮寫,指沒就學、沒就業或未處於接受職業訓練的人。例句:The number of Neets in our country has risen to almost one million.(我國的尼特族人數已增至近100萬人。

inactive:形容詞,不活躍的,懶惰的。例句:A quarter of the nation is classified as economically inactive. (這個國家4分之1人口被歸類為非經濟活動人口。)

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