中英對照讀新聞》Cuba approves animal welfare law after civil society pressure 公民社會施壓古巴通過動物保護法
Cuba has approved a long called-for decree on animal welfare in what some rights activists are hailing as an unusual triumph of civil society in the Communist-run country where animal sacrifice and cock and dog fighting remain commonplace.
For decades though, animal rights activists have called for legislation on animal welfare, largely through official channels in the one-party state.
In recent years, frustrated with the slow pace of change, a younger generation has opted to exert pressure on authorities with marches, protests in public spaces and social media campaigns.
"This has set an example for all communities that want their voice to be heard," said Beatriz Batista, 23, who has become one of the leaders of the movement. "You have to pressure, pressure."(Reuters)
welfare:名詞,福利;社會救濟。例句:He is a single parent on welfare.(他是一名靠社會救濟生活的單親爸爸。)
decree:名詞,法令;命令。例句:A court decree forcibly ended the protests.(法院頒佈一道命令,強行終止示威活動。)
commonplace:形容詞,普遍的。例句:Bluetooth headsets are increasingly commonplace.(藍芽耳機愈來愈常見。)
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