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中英對照讀新聞》Florida man fights off gator to save dog 佛羅里達州男子擊退鱷魚救狗

2020/06/26 05:30



Trent Tweddale and his dog, Loki, are recovering after a Monday morning walk on their Florida farm turned vicious.


According to Tweddale, a nearly 13-foot gator grabbed his 6-year-old dog and pulled him into the water. Tweddale, a former Army staff sergeant, quickly reacted.


"I grabbed the dog’s collar to try to pull him back, and I ended up in a tug-of-war match with this gator, and the gator was not letting go," he said. "So I let go of the collar, and I got about knee-deep into the water and started pounding on the gator’s head until he eventually let go."


With the help of Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Tweddale has set a trap for the gator on his property. He said he won’t rest until he catches it.


"We love our dog a lot and I’d fight tooth and nail for him."



fight off:片語,抵抗或擊退某人或某事。例句:The old lady living alone fought off an intruder on her own last night.(這名獨居老婦昨晚自行擊退一名闖入者。)

let go:慣用語,鬆手,鬆開,放開,放下。

fight tooth and nail:慣用語,竭盡全力,形容做事全力以赴,不屈不撓。例句:NYC Congressional candidate Ydanis Rodriguez pledges to wage war against poverty and fight tooth and nail for black and brown people.(美國紐約市議員候選人伊丹尼斯.羅德里格斯誓言向貧窮宣戰以及竭力為黑人與棕膚民眾打拚。)

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