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中英對照讀新聞》Silver lining? Russia’s Cossacks don modified masks against coronavirus一線希望?俄羅斯的哥薩克人戴上改良過的口罩來抵禦冠狀病毒

2020/04/11 05:30



Cossacks and police officers enforcing the coronavirus lockdown in Russia’s western city of Kaliningrad have donned modified face masks that local scientists say can be worn for days without being replaced.


The trick, they say, is to line the cheap cotton fabric of the masks with an ultra-thin coating of silver.


The benefits of the use of silver against the coronavirus have not been tested and are therefore unproven. But Kaliningrad’s Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University believes the technique could give the masks additional protective properties, although - like single-use masks - they still would not guarantee full protection from the virus.


“In my view we’re able to slightly increase the efficiency of this accessory, because we believe the active silver surface can kill some amount of the virus,” Aleksander Goyhman, the director of the university’s nano-materials centre, said. (Reuters)



lining:名詞,指襯裡、內層。例句:Every cloud has a silver lining.此為英國諺語,字面意義是每道烏雲都有一條透光的銀邊,引申為黑暗中總有一線光明。

don:動詞,指穿戴、披上、裝模作樣。例句:He has been donning two hats for a long time.(他長期身兼二職。)

line:名詞,指線條、繩索、行列、戰線、消息、台詞;動詞,指劃線、使起皺紋、排隊、加襯裡。例句:The government took a hard line on protests.(政府對抗爭採取強硬路線。)

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