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中英對照讀新聞》Police ordered to pull their weight as Indonesia fights obesity 印尼對抗肥胖問題 警方受命減肥

2020/02/22 05:30

澳洲公民大衛.范.伊爾瑟(David van Iersel,中)去年7月在印尼峇里島涉毒,押解他出席記者會的當地警官啤酒肚明顯(左)。(美聯社檔案照)


An Indonesian province has put 50 overweight police on a crash program of aerobics, swimming and jogging, telling them they’d better shape up for the job.


The officers in East Java are being closely monitored on the two-week program and also get guidance from nutritionists and medical experts, said spokesman Frans Barung Mangera.


"We think all the selected personnel don’t have the ideal body weight," said Mangera.


Indonesia has seen a spike in obesity in recent years and the World Health Organization in 2016 estimated that at least 28 percent of Indonesia’s 250 million people were overweight.


"Being overweight makes us less agile when we are on duty and we often fall sick," said officer Iwan Sutanto. He claimed to feel healthier after losing 3.5 kg.


Police spokesman Mangera said the program was likely to be extended to the entire province of East Java.


"Body shape determines whether the officer is fit to serve the public," said Mangera. (Reuters)



pull one’s own weight:片語,指使出自己的那份力氣來做好分內事情。例句:The rest of the team complained that Jane wasn’t pulling her weight.(團隊的其他人抱怨珍未盡本分。)

shape up:片語,指進展、表現變好、形成、準備就緒。例句:The plane is shaping up for the landing at London.(飛機正準備降落倫敦。)

spike:名詞,指尖刺;動詞,指(通常指下跌前)上升到很高的程度、拒絕刊登、將烈酒摻入飲料、使增加風味或趣味、排球的扣球、刺穿。例句:The unemployment rate in January spiked to a five-year high.(5月份失業率上升到5年來新高。)

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