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《中英對照讀新聞》Mysterious Mineral from Earth’s Mantle Discovered in South African Diamond 南非的鑽石內發現來自地函的神秘礦物

2019/09/30 05:30



A single grain of rock lodged in a diamond contains a never-before-found mineral. And that newfound substance could reveal unusual chemical reactions unfolding in the depths of the mantle, the layer of Earth that lies between the planet’s crust and outer core. The entire mantle is about 1,802 miles (2,900 km) thick.


Scientists unearthed the mineral from a volcanic site in South Africa known as the Koffiefontein pipe. Shining diamonds speckle the dark, igneous rock that lines the pipe, and the diamonds themselves contain tiny bits of other minerals from hundreds of miles beneath Earth’s surface. Within one of these sparkling stones, scientists found a dark green, opaque mineral that they estimated was forged about 105 miles (170 kilometers) underground.


Scientists noted that, for a mantle mineral, goldschmidtite has a peculiar chemical composition.



diamond:名詞,鑽石、菱形。例句:The intense pressure and heat in the upper mantle transform humble carbon deposits into sparkling diamonds.(上部地函的高溫高壓,會將不起眼的碳沉積,轉變成閃亮的鑽石。)

goldschmidtite:礦物名,針銀碲金礦。例句:Goldschmidtite has high concentrations of niobium, potassium and the rare-earth elements lanthanum and cerium.(針銀碲金礦含有高濃度的鈮、鉀及稀土元素鑭和鈰。)

mantle:名詞,地函、地幔。例句:The mantle is composed mostly of silicate rocks rich in magnesium and iron.(地函主要由富含鎂、鐵的矽酸鹽岩石組成。)

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