中英對照讀新聞》400-year-old Japan temple puts faith in robot priest 400年歷史的日本寺廟,對機器人宣教士寄予厚望
A 400-year-old temple in Japan is attempting to hot-wire interest in Buddhism with a robotic priest.
The android Kannon, based on the Buddhist deity of mercy, preaches sermons at Kodaiji temple in Kyoto, and its human colleagues predict that with artificial intelligence it could one day acquire unlimited wisdom.
"This robot will never die, it will just keep updating itself and evolving," priest Tensho Goto told AFP. "That’s the beauty of a robot. It can store knowledge forever and limitlessly."
Developed at a cost of almost $1m in a joint project between the Zen temple and renowned robotics professor Hiroshi Ishiguro at Osaka University, the humanoid — called Mindar — teaches about compassion and of the dangers of desire, anger and ego. (AFP)
robot:名詞,機器人。例句:He hopes Kodaiji’s robot priest will be able to reach younger generations in a way traditional monks can’t.(他希望高台寺的機器人宣教士,能以傳統和尚無法做到的方式,觸及年輕世代。)
temple:名詞,寺廟、聖殿。例句:Kodaiji temple has faced criticism from foreigners.(高台寺已招致外國民眾的批評。)
Buddhism:名詞,佛教。例句:We want people to see the robot and think about the essence of Buddhism.(我們希望人們能藉由機器人反思佛教的精神。)
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