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《中英對照讀新聞》 Hong Kong film industry faces Golden Horse Awards dilemma 香港電影業面臨金馬獎兩難

2019/08/13 05:30



Hong Kong filmmakers have been dragged into a political minefield and forced to take sides following Beijing’s boycott of Taiwan’s Golden Horse Film Awards this year.


China Central Television said the ban was a reaction to last year’s Golden Horse Awards ceremony, during which Taiwanese director Fu Yue who won the best documentary award, said in her acceptance speech that she hoped Taiwan would be recognized as "independent" .


China has moved the ceremony of its Golden Rooster Awards to November 23, which coincides with that of the Golden Horse Awards .The boycott has created a dilemma for Hong Kong filmmakers and stars, who must now make a choice between competing for a Golden Horse or a Golden Rooster – and face the political and commercial ramifications.


Hong Kong film production companies have reportedly been warned by Beijing that films can’t go on release in China if they apply for the Golden Horse Awards. Hong Kong stars who attended the event would be put on a watch list.



minefield:名詞,地雷區。例句:This issue is a political minefield.(這個議題是政治地雷區。)

ramification:名詞,可能後果。例句:Have you considered all the ramifications of your decision? (你有考慮過你的決定的所有可能後果嗎?)

watch list:名詞,觀察名單。例句:The animals are on a watch list of endangered species. (這些動物列入瀕危物種觀察名單。)

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