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《中英對照讀新聞》Robotic falcons help to fight pigeons 機械鷹協助解決鴿害

2007/04/27 06:00


You could say it’s a bird of a different feather. Liverpool, plagued by pigeons that pollute the city center with their droppings, is introducing a mechanical falcon which squawks and flaps its wings in hopes of scaring the pesky birds away.


The fat pigeons, who feast on junk food, are an embarrassment to a city chosen to be next year’s European Capital of Culture.


The city council is buying 10 Robops, short for robotic bird of prey, at a cost about $4,000 each. But cleaning teams spend many hours each day scraping droppings from streets and buildings at a cost of about $320,000 a year, the council said.


"The key is that we move (the Robops) around, so the pigeons don’t get used to them," council spokeswoman Sarah Langworthy said. "It keeps (the pigeons) on their toes."



squawk:文中指鳥類的嘎嘎叫聲,但也可指大聲抱怨或抗議,如 His proposal has raised squawks of protest in Congress.(他的提議在國會引發激烈抗議。)

feast on:盡情享受或欣賞,如 We feasted on smoked salmon and champagne.(我們盡情享用煙燻鮭魚和香檳。)或 He feasted on the beautiful scene.(他飽覽美景。)

bird of prey:(如鷹、隼等)食肉鳥、猛禽,複數為birds of prey。

keep sb on their toes:強迫某人全神貫注、專注於某事,如 Their boss kept them all on their toes.(他們的老闆讓他們片刻也無法鬆懈。)

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