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《中英對照讀新聞》Seoul to shut down all dog slaughterhouses — 首爾將關閉所有犬隻屠宰場

2019/02/17 06:00



Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon said, Saturday, the city government will shut down all dog butcheries in the capital. Some Koreans have traditionally eaten dog meat in the summer.


"In the past, we had several dog butcher shops in Cheongnyangni, but I closed almost all of them down through various measures," Park said. "Currently, one or two dog slaughterhouses remain. I cannot force them to go out of business, so I will put pressure on them to move."


Of five shops selling dog meat in Gyeongdong Market in Jegi-dong ― the main market for the trade in the capital ― three only sold meat while two also slaughtered dogs on the premises. "Every year, 8,500 dogs are abandoned in Seoul and a quarter of them are euthanized because they are not adopted," Park also said.



slaughter:本文作動詞,屠宰、宰殺、殺戮。People were slaughtered in the war.(人們在戰爭中遭屠殺。)

euthanize:動詞,對…實施安樂死。Animal shelters would euthanize unwanted pets.(動物收容所會對遭人遺棄的寵物實施安樂死。)

premises:名詞,房屋建築及其附屬場地(所)。There is no smoking anywhere on school premises.(校區內全面禁菸。)

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