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《中英對照讀新聞》Philippines announces charges against critical news site-菲律賓當局宣布,將控告愛批判的新聞網站

2018/11/21 06:00



Philippine prosecutors said they will file tax evasion charges against a news website that has clashed with President Rodrigo Duterte, a case the outlet branded as an "intimidation" effort.


Rappler, which denies the allegations, is one of few Philippine media outfits openly critical of Duterte’s leadership, in particular his deadly anti-narcotics crackdown.


The government accuses Rappler Holdings Corp., the site’s CEO Maria Ressa and its accountant of failing to pay taxes on 2015 bond sales that it alleges netted gains of 162.5 million pesos.


Rappler described the case as "a clear form of continuing intimidation and harassment" as well as "an attempt to silence reporting that does not please the administration".


Rappler has been battling a string of government moves to shutter the site, which has won international awards over its efforts to publish critical reports on Duterte.



clash (with):發生衝突、不協調。例句:The figures she cites clash with previous figures.(她引用的數據與之前的不一致。)

outfit:(口)公司、機構。例句:Some big outfits are working on it.(一些大企業正致力研發該產品。)

net:淨獲。例句:The company netted $200,000 from the deal.(公司從這筆交易淨賺20萬美元。)

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