《中英對照讀新聞》China’s brightest children are being recruited to develop AI ’killer bots’-中國最聰明孩子被招募,發展人工智慧「殺手機器人」
A group of some of China’s smartest students has been recruited straight from high school to begin training as the world’s youngest AI weapons scientists.
Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) has recruited 31 ’patriotic’ youngsters for its new program. The 27 boys and four girls, all aged 18 and under, were selected for the four-year "experimental program for intelligent weapons systems" from more than 5,000 candidates.
"These kids are all exceptionally bright, but being bright is not enough," said a BIT professor who was involved in the screening process. "We are looking for other qualities such as creative thinking, willingness to fight, persistence when facing challenges. And they must also be patriots."
Stuart Russell, director of the Center for Intelligent Systems at the University of California, Berkeley, described the BIT program as "a very bad idea". "Machines should never be allowed to decide to kill humans. Such weapons quickly become weapons of mass destruction." he said.
bot:名詞,機器人(robot的簡稱)。例句:Twitter removed thousands of bot accounts.(推特移除數千個機器人帳號。)
bright:形容詞,聰明的、快樂的。例句:They are bright children, always asking questions.(他們是聰明的孩子,總愛發問。)
screening:名詞,篩選、審查。例句:Effective screening processes prevent bad hires.(有效的篩選過程可防止不當僱用。)
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