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《中英對照讀新聞》South Korea, US resume marine joint drills-南韓、美國恢復陸戰隊聯合演訓

2018/11/11 06:00



South Korea and the United States resumed their combined marine drills Monday for the first time. They were suspended in June to support diplomacy with North Korea over denuclearization.


The allies began the two-week Korea Marine Exercise Program (KMEP), which involves some 500 troops, including U.S. marines from Okinawa, Japan, and military equipment, such as assault amphibious vehicles.


The resumption of the drills is in line with the allies’ decision to continue their battalion-level or other small maneuvers while they are apparently inclined towards suspending large-scale exercises to prevent provoking the communist regime. Seoul’s Defense Minister Jeong Kyeong-doo said that the allies plan to make a decision on plans for next year’s major exercises before Dec. 1.



be inclined towards:動詞片語,或寫成be inclined to,使…傾向於(認為、贊同)。I’m inclined towards her view on the issue.(我傾向於贊同她對該議題的觀點。)

combined:形容詞,相加的、聯合(協同)的、化合的。The culprit was caught at last by the combined efforts of several passerbys.(該罪犯最終在幾名路人協力下被逮住。)

battalion:名詞,軍隊編制單位中的營。A battalion is a military unit consisting of three or more companies.(1個營是由至少3個連組成的軍隊單位。)

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