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《中英對照讀新聞》Alcohol responsible for one in 20 deaths worldwide: WHO-世界衛生組織:全球每20件死亡案例中,就有1件肇因於酒

2018/11/07 06:00



Alcohol kills three million people worldwide each year - more than AIDS, violence and road accidents combined, the World Health Organization said, adding that men are particularly at risk.


The UN health agency’s latest report on alcohol and health pointed out that alcohol causes more than one in 20 deaths globally each year, including drink driving, alcohol-induced violence and abuse and a multitude of diseases and disorders. Men account for more than three quarters of alcohol-related deaths, the nearly 500-page report found.


Drinking is linked to more than 200 health conditions, including liver cirrhosis and some cancers. Alcohol abuse also makes people more susceptible to infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, HIV and pneumonia, the report found.


The some three million alcohol-related deaths registered globally in 2016 - the latest available statistics - account for 5.3 percent of all deaths that year.



at risk:遭受危險。例句:The disease is spreading, and all children under 5 are at risk.(疾病正蔓延,凡5歲以下兒童都有感染的危險。)

condition:疾病、症狀。例句:He has been struggling with a heart condition.(他一直與心臟病奮戰。)

susceptible:易受影響的、敏感的。例句:I am very susceptible to colds.(我非常容易感冒。)

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