《中英對照讀新聞》Russian town hires cat chief to attend to strays 俄羅斯城鎮僱用貓長官來照顧流浪貓

2018/10/27 06:00
《中英對照讀新聞》Russian town hires cat chief to attend to strays 俄羅斯城鎮僱用貓長官來照顧流浪貓



It was an unusual job advert. Wanted: Cat chief. Location: Zelenogradsk, Russia. Duties: Tending to the town’s approximately 70 stray cats.


Some 80 applicants applied for the new role new with the municipality in the small town in the Kaliningrad region, which has also erected a cat statue and added a feline to its emblem in a bid to rebrand itself as Russia’s foremost cat-loving community.


In the end, local resident Svetlana Logunova was appointed guardian of the town’s felines. To help her with the task, she was given a bicycle and uniform, including a bright green jacket, black bow tie and hat.


She has been given a budget of 5,700 roubles a month to ensure all the seaside community’s cats are happy, dishing out food, strokes and free rides in the basket on her bike.


"I alone cannot care for every single one and a helping hand would go a long way,"Logunova said. (Reuters)



attend to:片語動詞,指處理、照顧、關心、注意。例句:We should attend better to the housing needs of the elderly.(我們應更注意長者的住屋需求。)

tend to:片語動詞,指傾向、易於、動輒、照料。例句:She’d better tend to her own affairs.(她還是管好自己的事情吧!)

dish out:片語動詞,指分到盤裡、盛在盤裡端出、分發、佈置、提出、給予。例句:She can dish out as much criticism as she gets.(她動不動就滿口批評。)

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