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《中英對照讀新聞》China’s ban on trash imports causes major confusion-中國禁止進口廢料引發大混亂

2018/04/08 06:00



The majority of South Korea’s recyclables are exported to China. Beijing’s recent decision to ban solid waste imports is causing a ripple effect on the recycling programs in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province area.


The ban on imports of 24 types of recyclables - a reflection of China’s tougher stance on pollution - mostly impacts local recyclers that used to sell waste to China. Some of the 48 for-profit garbage service companies operating in three metropolitan cities, including Seoul, Gyeonggi and Incheon said last week that they will halt collecting recyclables banned by China starting April 1, citing low margins and increasing processing cost.


Such moves immediately caused a stir among residents nationwide who see no other option but to put waste like plastics in authorized garbage bags, which is illegal. Among the items on the ban list are plastic waste or scraps, waste paper, slag, dross, scalings, and waste textile materials.



ripple effect:名詞,連鎖反應、漣漪作用、影響逐漸擴散。Rising oil prices have had a ripple effect on the whole world.(油價上漲已在全世界引發連鎖反應。)

cause a stir:動詞片語,造成(引起一片)混亂、騷(轟)動。The incident caused quite a stir.(這起事件引起了騷動。)

margin:名詞,邊緣、岸、界線、差價、利潤、賺頭。by a wide/narrow margin為片語,指以很大/很小差距。例句:By a strong margin, 61% to 39%, voters Tuesday beat back a constitutional amendment and kept Wisconsin’s 170-year-old treasurer’s office.(選民以61%對39%的大幅度差距,投票否決了一項州憲修正案,決定保留威斯康辛州有170年歷史的財政部長辦公室。)

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