中英對照讀新聞》Japanese train barks like a dog to prevent accidents 預防事故 日本火車發出狗吠聲
Researchers in Japan have fitted a train with a speaker that barks like a dog and snorts like a deer in order to prevent collisions on the railway.
Asahi Shimbun newspaper reports that the combination of sounds is designed to scare deer away from the tracks in a bid to reduce the number of animal deaths on the railway.
Officials from the Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI)say that a three-second blast of the sound of a deer snorting attracts the animals’ attention, and 20 seconds of dog barking is enough to make them take flight.
Deer are attracted to railway lines because of a need for iron in their diets. They lick the rails to pick up iron filings caused by the action of wheels against tracks.
This dietary need has led to a battle to keep the deer separate from the railway, and previous plans which involved the spraying of lion faeces on the track were abandoned after rain washed away the dung almost immediately.
Another plan, which earned a railway employee Japan’s Good Design Award in December, is for deer crossings policed by ultrasonic waves, which allow animals access to the tracks at times when trains aren’t running.
take flight:逃走。例句:The wild animals took flight when the flames was spreading .(在火勢蔓延之際,野生動物爭相逃竄。)
pick up:獲取、撿起。例句:The bird picked up a worm.(鳥叼起一隻蟲。)
at times:有時。例句:At times I feel that I want to take a long vacation.(有時我真想休個長假。)
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