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《中英對照讀新聞》Trump falls more than 200 spots on Forbes Billionaires List 川普在富比世億萬富豪榜下跌逾200名

2018/03/13 06:00



President Donald Trump has dropped more than 200 spots since last year on the latest Forbes World’s Billionaires list. The magazine estimates his net worth at $3.1 billion, down from $3.5 billion last year.


Trump was placed as the 544th richest person on the magazine’s list last year but has now dropped to 766th, with more than $400 million wiped off his wealth. Trump’s fortune fell in part due to declining Manhattan real estate values, as well as lower revenues at several Trump golf properties.


Trump inherited part of the wealth from his father Fred, who developed low-cost housing in the New York boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. Trump stepped away from his businesses when he entered the White House, handing control to his two eldest sons, Don Jr. and Eric.


Trump has often bragged that he’s worth far more than Forbes’ estimates, claiming in a campaign filing in 2016 that his fortune was "in excess of $10 billion."



wipe off:動詞片語,擦掉,除去。例句:All the information was wiped off the computer by a virus.(電腦上的所有資訊都被病毒刪除。)

borough:名詞,行政區。例句:New York City consists of five boroughs.(紐約市由5個行政區組成。)

filing:名詞,紀錄,歸檔。例句:In court filings, they argued that the settlement was inadequate.(根據法庭紀錄,他們辯稱這項協議有問題。)

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