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《中英對照讀新聞》Psychic predicts Trump will be impeached in 2018 靈媒預測,川普2018年將遭罷免

2018/01/02 06:00



US President Donald Trump recently marked his first year in office. And Australian psychic Georgina Walker has sensationally claimed there will be an impeachment this year.


The self-proclaimed psychic Georgina claimed President Trump faces a ’very rocky’ year ahead amid the FBI’s investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 US election. ’I see an impeachment,’ she told the Today show on Monday.


’I saw a ball and chain around his ankle. I saw President Bill Clinton’s shadow over him.’ She continued: ’There is a black cloud over the White House this year ... I feel it’s a rocky, rocky year. He may just escape through the impeachment proceedings as Clinton did. But there’s enough to take him down.’


Last year Georgina successfully predicted the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and Kate would have a baby girl. She claimed to know the gender and name of the royal couple’s third child - a baby girl named Victoria.



psychic:名詞,靈媒,乩童。例句:It’s hard to tell if a psychic is real or fake.(靈媒的真偽難辦。)

mark:動詞,留下痕跡,劃下標記。例句:Tomorrow’s parade will mark the 50th anniversary of the battle.(明日的遊行將標誌著這場戰爭已屆滿50年。)

rocky:形容詞,搖晃的,不穩的,困難的。例句:Men in a rocky marriage are at greater risk of having a heart attack.(男性在困難的婚姻中罹患心臟病的風險較高。)

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