中英對照讀新聞》 US does not support tactical nuke deployment to South Korea 美國不支持戰術核武部署南韓
"The US does not support the reintroduction of tactical nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula, although we certainly understand those feelings especially in light of the recent nuclear test (by the North)," said Lt. Gen. Thomas W. Bergeson, deputy commander of USFK and commander of the 7th Air Force, at a forum in Seoul.
The US provides strategic security guarantees - a "nuclear umbrella" - for its allies in the region and "that is probably sufficient," he said while attending a session of the Seoul Defense Dialogue.
It is the first time that a US military official has publicly voiced opposition to recent hawkish talk in South Korea that the country should either build A-bombs of its own to ensure a "balance of terror" with the increasingly belligerent North, or bring back US tactical nukes once stationed here.
South Korea gave up nuclear weapons in the 1970s and settled with the US-provided nuclear umbrella. The country has been nuclear-free since 1991, after the George H. W. Bush administration withdrew A-bombs stationed here. The main opposition Liberty Korea Party plans to send a delegation to Washington to drum up support for the plan.
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