中英對照讀新聞》’Art of the Deal’ ghostwriter predicts Trump will resign 「交易的藝術」代筆人預言川普將辭職
The ghostwriter of "The Art of the Deal" thinks President Donald Trump will eventually call it quits.
Tony Schwartz, the man behind Trump’s 1987 memoir, took to Twitter on Wednesday to vocalize his forecast for Trump’s political future.
"The circle is closing at blinding speed," Schwartz tweeted. "Trump is going to resign and declare victory before Mueller and congress leave him no choice."
While working on the memoir in the 1980s, Schwartz spent 18 months with Trump. Over the past few years, he has been an outspoken critic of the former businessman, now President.
"I put lipstick on a pig," he told The New Yorker last year, adding that he feels "a deep sense of remorse" for "presenting Trump in a way that brought him wider attention and made him more appealing than he is."
call it quits:慣用語,停止做,收手,不幹了。例句:She dreamed of being a professional tennis player, but had to call it quits after a serious knee injury.(她夢想成為職業網球選手,但因膝蓋嚴重受傷而被迫放棄。)
put lipstick on a pig:慣用語,字面意義,幫豬塗口紅,指企圖讓不怎麼樣的人或事變美好,卻終究徒勞。例句:You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig.(你可以幫豬塗口紅,但豬還是豬/你可以想辦法美化,但本性難移。)
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