《中英對照讀新聞》Argentina:128-Year-Old Man Claims He’s Hitler阿根廷:128歲老人聲稱他是希特勒
(圖截取自Underground Science推特)
◎ 陳正健
An elderly man from Salta in Argentina claims that he’s the infamous German dictator Adolf Hitler and that he spent the last 70 years in hiding.
In an interview with the ultra-conservative newspaper The Patriot, he explains that he arrived in the country in 1945 with a passport identifying him Herman Guntherberg. He claims that his passport was a fake one produced by the Gestapo near the end of the war.
He says he’s decided to come out of hiding after the Israeli secret services officially abandoned their policy of pursuing former Nazi war criminals last year. He’s preparing to publish his autobiography in order to restore his public image. His book will be written under the name Adolf Hitler and should be available in September.
他表示, 在以色列特勤機構去年正式放棄對前納粹戰犯的追訴政策後,他決定不再躲藏。他正準備出版自傳,以重建他的公眾形象。他將以阿道夫.希特勒之名著書,並在9月問世。
Many people, including his wife of 55 years, Angela Martinez, believe that Guntherber is simply suffering from dementia. She’s convinced that her husband may possibly have been a Nazi and he may feel guilty about his past, but he’s definitely not Hitler.
ultra-conservative:形容詞,超保守的,極端保守的。例句:The alt-right is an ultra-conservative movement in the United States.(另類右派是美國的極端保守運動。)
Gestapo:名詞,蓋世太保,即納粹秘密警察。例句:Gestapo was used by Nazi Germany against dissidents.(蓋世太保被納粹德國用來對付異議人士。)
restore:動詞,恢復,歸還,重建。例句:The government is trying to restore public confidence.(政府正試圖重建公眾信心。)
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