《中英對照讀新聞》Fasten seat belt reminders key to saving lives in highway crash 提醒繫安全帶成為高速公路車禍救命關鍵
Repeated reminders to fasten seat belts saved lives in a freak accident on the Tomei Expressway early June 10 when an out-of-control car came hurtling through the air and smashed into the windshield of a sightseeing coach with 47 people on board.
Bus guide Umeyo Yamamoto, 60, said she advised passengers to fasten their seat belts on three occasions before the horrific crash that left the car on the roof of the coach.
"All of the passengers survived because we fastened out seat belts," Yamamoto said at a June 14 news conference here. "Unless we get into an accident, we never realize how important it is to fasten our seat belts."
The sightseeing coach, operated by Toshin Kanko Bus Co., departed Toyokawa in Aichi Prefecture at 7 a.m. on June 10 with 44 passengers.
The horror accident occurred 10 minutes later when the car appeared out of nowhere and smashed into the front of the bus after crossing the median, killing the car driver and injuring 45 people.
key to something:慣用語,達成某事的最佳或唯一之道;關鍵是…。例句:Hard work is the key to success.(成功關鍵在於努力工作。)
on board:慣用語,字面意義,搭乘車、船、飛機;引申意義,受僱於某人,成為團隊的一員。例句:We won’t leave until everyone is on board.(所有人上船/車才會出發。)
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